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Sport Memory

 A game came your way. You ought to have been prepared. You ought to have known how far you could have stretched your mental, physical and will muscle. All this required a mind prepared for action. With it were determination, discipline and power to master your game.
            Chess, football, tennis, pool and a long list of other games require the mind muscle. So how do we go about getting our sport memory a start in the right direction?
Read on. The answers lie in wait. According to Author Rocco Oppedisano and owner of Legendary Muscle Australia Gym there are eight laws that should to be followed in order to have a sharper memory. The laws are: Comprehension, Interest, Previous Knowledge, and Readiness for memorization, Sequences, Strong Impression and lastly Inhibition.
            Comprehension is basically how good you are at understanding the mechanics of the game being played. Interest encompasses how willing, determined you are while enjoying what you are doing. Previous knowledge would apply in regard to your past encounters with the games you are well acquainted with. When it comes to readiness and the art of memorization ---- All factors must be constant. You must desire within yourself to commit every single move that you rehearse into memory.  Rocco insists that steps and maneuvers learnt in sequences are pretty hard to unlearn. In his book, ‘Eight Laws of Memory’ he states, “The alphabet is easy to recite in its regular order and is difficult to recite in the reverse order. The conceptions learned in a certain sequences, when recalled, summon each other up in the same sequence.” Strong impressions are the expectations from with in that you can sense strongly. This can be envisioned wins that are so imaginable to a sports man or woman. Inhibition, this simply means that one ought to master the already familiar step before taking up a new lesson in any sports ground. If you have not mastered a game tactic, do not try to learn something new before you have mastered the art.
Memory Foods
  • Meat: Eat meat once a day. This however, is not necessary if you are in favor of vegetable- protein related foods.
  • Whole grain: Brown bread, rye, bran and oats are a great source of fiber. The brain uses the carbohydrate component that it gets from these foods to sustain a memory build up. While you are at it, avoid eating bleached whole grain products such as white bread, for this starves the brain of its function.
  • Vegetables: Eat vegetables that have their leaves exposed to the suns rays. Such vegetables include: Alfalfa, Celery, Kales, Turnip Leaves, Pumpkin Leaves, Parsley and Pumpkin Leaves
  • Fruit: Eat lots of fruit. Apples, Oranges, pineapples and mangoes. Fruits should be eaten between meals rather than with meals. According to a theory by Dr.Wilson George who did research on what is called a ‘Slant Diet’ Fruit do not necessarily energize. Instead they cleanse the system and help prepare the digestive system for the next meal. Other findings Dr. Wilson conducted indicate that natural fruit sugar helps promote energy.
Memory Killers
 A memory killer is that which kills the memory both with intent and in more cases then not; kills it unconsciously.
  • Sugar: Though a Carbohydrate, it offers an illusion of energy only to cause a downhill feel. According to the book, ‘Eight Laws of The Mind’ Sugar often contributes to an emotional upset because it sops up the Vitamin B- Complex during metabolism.
  •  Lack of Color:  Having a color in ones life that you are passionate about is vital. Color acts as motivation to the human mind. Red is processed as danger or alert, indigo as a problem solving color, blues as one used by a communicator. Diana Cooper Author of the book, ‘A Time for Transformation’ stresses in her book, “Color we have developed in our past lives, or even in this one, the more gifts and talents we have and the more opportunities are open to us.”  So get a color that inspires you.
  •  Lack of Imagination:  We are creative beings. When we stop being creative our imagination systems go down.
  •  Lack of Rhythm:  The world was created out of order. And order is what makes it survive as a whole.  ‘Start Stop’ training with out mastery of the sport of your pursuit is a killer.
  •  Lack of Movement: Exercise is a high form of movement. With it come life’s untold stories of you being: healthy and wise. When we cut off from this source of movement, dexterity becomes dismal and the human memory becomes dwarfed.
Memory Enhancers
  • Numbers:  Numbers trigger memory and define an order of existence. Numbers sustain memorable days and can tell how old we are. Play board games that have a mathematical twist and enhance your memory.
  • Relax:  Seat yourself in a quiet environ and breathe in and out.
  • Smell:  Smell coffee, vinegar or anything that you can. Then try to recall that very smell.
  • Taste:  Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., a psychotherapist writes in her book, ‘Feeling Great’ “Taste something, a fresh sweet peach, for example else, spaghetti, for example, and let this taste fill the right side of your head. Now be aware of both tastes at the same time.”
All these simple yet critical things matter most. After all, we are all in reach of realizing the big goals not knowing that the big goals are composed of the little ones put together.


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