You... intimacy... ...a relationship. The same way you tend your car, Go shopping to the store, Meet all your friends, Have dedication to your work. Take care of the garden, Paint the living room... I want all that done to my heart. Instead I feel I am forcing you to be, Give what you don't have, So, in a sense, I am being disgruntled, So, I keep quiet, Wondering how to win your heart. I ask...does he care how I slept? If the sun kissed my cheeks? If I slept hungry? I try not to nag, Yes every complaint might translate to that. So, I ought to be careful what I say, So, I shut up! Hoping one day...I will find another, The man I fell in love with one day, That the coffee shop.☺ 💕The desires of the heart by Trony Ingati A Love Memoire
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