“The other reason behind little ones cries out and what can be done to help them out...” Young life is tender and mild. When a woman brings a child into the world she natures life and brings about the best for her child and herself. Along the way are hurdles, ready for the mother to overcome. Sleepless nights, hunger pangs, teething are all part of motherhood. All of those seemingly endearments tend to die down as the baby’s life progresses. One of the problems that will crop up from time to time is Constipation. Constipation simply put is an infrequent bowel movement. This mean, that the bowel movement happens less than three times per week, according to Dr. Peter Ngwatu a Pediatric /Gastroenterologist. (Doctor who deals with children digestive systems) For babies signs to look out for would be hard, dry, small stool. The stool is often difficult to eliminate and may result in young children crying and wailing to the top of their heads as they try to keep up with nature’s demand...
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