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Showing posts from August 8, 2017

A few changes that can help you get rid of the weight...

Yesterday, I spoke to a long lost friend. We talked about life, her children and career. Her weight however was not making her happy and was bringing a drain to everything around her. I felt her pain and I realized that food information is still amiss in our society. Anyone who knows me very well will tell you I dance year in - year out. I teach classical ballet and when not in studio, I am running my business or covering news in health, agriculture and societal development affairs. Last year was very busy for me. I went back for higher education to do my masters degree in international relations. For an exact year and half I did not dance. I was busy studying, working on assignments and sitting through lectures. Over this period I have lost twelve kilos without much effort. So what did I do different? For starters I changed how I eat. I walked a whole lot and I breathed in fresh air. My favorite place to spend my leisure time was by the sea and walking through the woods. Tod...

The Daily Quote...

" A job will keep you. Passion will sustain you. Today stop job hunting and start passion hunting."