Getting ready for big games is a part of the exciting life of a sports person. And if that is not so, you will agree that life demands that we get prepared for some sort of battle, even if it does not let us know pre-hand.
Get Ready! That word, phrase, whatever you may call it, gets me bothered. Perhaps it is the after thought answer…For what? That even sends shivers down my spine.
There is no single day that does not amount to an activity, better yet gives that sudden day to get ready for complexities. Regardless of the occupation one takes, we all need that special diet and exercise to get ready. Ready--- to go the extra mile.
Competitions are inevitable in a sports person’s life. Besides the thrill of a game is the ‘Win’ or the ‘Loose’ part. That thrill should justify why men prefer to start with the backside of the paper instead of the front page of the National Newspaper.
So how do you go about the psychological and physical preparations of a competition?
· All in the mind
One has to note from the word go that they are in control. But what is it that makes you? According to Author Charles Haanel of the book, Master Key System “There is a world within-a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life and beauty and, although invisible, its forces are mighty.” That in a nutshell sets the ball in motion. For you to win that basketball game, volley or soccer match; your mental tournament should be on with all the cheerleaders screaming their lungs out.
· Eat Right
Aim to eat right. Eat from a wide range of foods. Chew your food and enjoy it.
Eating a high carbohydrate diet can increase an athlete’s endurance. This is due to the energy giving attribute.
Protein is another food group that is ideal for a competitor. It is used in building muscle when the body has lost it. They also are used as fuels once the carbohydrates have already been utilized. Elli Whitney and Sharon R. Rolfes authors of Understanding Nutrition state that, “The most active people of all, endurance athletes, use up large amounts of all energy fuels, including proteins, during performance, but such athletes also eat more food and therefore usually consume enough protein.
Ideal Competition Diet
Eat up to 3000 calories per day. This may comprise of shredded wheat with low fat milk, a banana, two slices of whole wheat bread and a glass of orange juice for breakfast. At lunch you could do two sandwiches that have a protein filling, half a glass of low fat milk and some berry like fruits. During snack time one may have popcorn, an apple or yogurt. For supper, a leafy salad, spaghetti, maize kernels and a tasty fruit cake dessert should get you fixed for the competition. One thing is key, the art of making good food tasty. For, if the body does not like it, you might throw up.
· Live Right
The next big thing is living right. How? Well it is a choice! Be more social and allow yourself enough time to use the stairs instead of the elevator, work or bike to class, scrub floors, walk the dog, mow grass, wash cars and chase after young playful siblings or children. Other than that, take the time to engage in aerobic activities, sports activities and other leisure activities such as dance, golf, horseback riding and bowling. As Rumi the great thinker did say, “Feel yourself being quietly drawn by the deeper pull of what you love. And that by now is winning!
· Train hard
Never forget to train hard. As the day approaches for you to prove yourself, fasten your belt and demonstrate to yourself what you are made of…A strong willed and determined to get better and better.
· Drink up
Lastly, drink water. Fill up. Water is the most indispensable nutrient as well as friend. The more you work out while training, the more it is lost out of your body. Thus, fill up!
You will know when you are ready once your joints are flexible, your muscles are strong and your body is lean enough. Your endurance to engage in countless activity will be longer and more improved and you will have enough power and motivation to handle other hurdles. Your mental and emotional self will be able to keep a composed picture. When all this happens than you are ready to be the victor.
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